Golden EggDemGen’s mandate is to help entrepreneurs and business owners work on their business, instead of in it…

We have experts on our Team to take care of that ‘extra stuff’ that is not within your unique skill set.  (In other words, all of those business activities you hate doing.)

What would you do when you only have to focus on your favourite income generating activities?!

Here are some suggestions from our Team:


1.    Finally start that one thing you’ve been putting off forever
2.    Take a day off
3.    Skydive
4.    Learn how to salsa
5.    Swim with dolphins
6.    Take some pictures
7.    Spend more time with your family
8.    Write a poem
9.    Knit a sweater
10.    Volunteer for charity
11.    Grow your own vegetables
12.    Make a list of your goals
13.    Play with your pets
14.    Watch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy back-to-back
15.    Read a book
16.    Sleep under the stars
17.    Go for a hike
18.    Research your family tree
19.    Go swimming
20.    Start a blog
21.    Bungee jump
22.    Draw something
23.    Send a message in a bottle
24.    Shower under a waterfall
25.    Do origami
26.    Take a course
27.    Learn a language
28.    Go away – far, far away
29.    Exercise
30.    Swim in the ocean
31.    Learn about astronomy
32.    Plant a tree
33.    Catch a fish
34.    Eliminate your debt
35.    Make a hole in one
36.    Play in the rain
37.    Walk bare foot in grass
38.    Play in the rain
39.    Visit a new country
40.    Learn how to play an instrument
41.    Eat slowly and really taste your food
42.    Mow the lawn
43.    Sponsor a child
44.    Drive a convertible with the top down
45.    Watch TV all day (the good stuff – no talk shows!)
46.    Learn how to sail
47.    Start a mastermind group
48.    Bake special brownies or cookies
49.    Take up croquet or crochet
50.    Start a nudist colony
51.    Make a stranger smile
52.    Fly a kite
53.    Clean out your closet
54.    Look for shapes in the clouds
55.    Write your story, the true one
56.    Dance
57.    Skip rocks
58.    Make granola
59.    Mediate
60.    Learn how to say no
61.    Walk your dog, twice
62.    Give a foot massage
63.    Whittle
64.    Pick up litter
65.    Watch the sunrise/sunset
66.    Rock climb
67.    Have a baby or play with one
68.    Fly first class
69.    Take a nap
70.    Turn off all electronics
71.    Ride a unicycle
72.    Make your own clothes
73.    Play board games
74.    Make friends with your neighbours
75.    Go camping
76.    Write a short story
77.    Take the scenic route
78.    Buy a crystal
79.    Learn a random new fact online
80.    Mow the lawn
81.    Take a trip around the world
82.    Be a mentor
83.    Go whale watching
84.    Ride in a hot air balloon
85.    Draw on a wall
86.    Have a candle-lit bath
87.    Make music
88.    Paint a picture
89.    Visit Area 51
90.    Learn how to mix a fancy drink
91.    Test drive your dream car
92.    Visit the house you grew up in
93.    Try stand-up comedy
94.    Write a script
95.    Go tobogganing
96.    Make a YouTube channel
97.    Go to Disneyland
98.    Tell someone you love them
99.    Visit a wonder of the world
100.    Give thanks
101.    Be yourself