While most think the average small business relies on people who are comfortable with finances or sales, there is more to running a business and much more to being an entrepreneur than being a great marketer.

Be committed to the outcome of your business. Have an end goal, a place you want to be when your business is all grown up.

end goal

Recognize your unique qualities or abilities. If you enjoy photography or music and take unusual photographs or play a variety of instruments, your business could be based on either of these things or any other talent that you have.

Concentration and focus. Flighty types aren’t apt to do well when it comes to business decisions or the hard work involved in getting a business up and running. Entrepreneurs need to be able to focus on one task at a time and organize their work in the order it needs to be done to bring each job to completion.

Ability to work as part of a team. Any small business will involve working with others, whether it is employees you hire or the customers you work with. People skills are very important and your clients will be able to see right through you if you aren’t sincere.


Being able to think just a bit differently from others and see things in diverse ways. Independent thinking was not a prized quality when you went to school but for an entrepreneur it is at the top of the list. Finding an unusual angle or original idea and bringing it to your clients can make the difference between success and mediocrity.

Adaptability and Identity. The first is a necessity as trends and customer desires will change and you will have to work with both to ensure the growth of your business. Having your product or service identified with you is the outcome that you should be working toward.

great attitude

Attitude – a great one!


images by Maenie, Budzlife and glenngould on Flickr