When your business seems to be floundering amid the success of those around you, it is natural to feel a loss of self-esteem, to think that maybe you are doing something wrong while everyone else seems to have a knack for making the right choices.
It is how you react to these feelings that will make the difference in your business and whether it will continue on a downward spiral or you will use your animosity toward other business owners to get your business back on track.
First of all, the success of others has no bearing on your ability to run a business. Your accomplishments will always be greater than some business owners and lesser than others. Focusing on how well a competitor’s business is doing takes the focus away from what you should be doing with your own business. Take a good look at all that you have done and how far you’ve come since you first started out. Instead of thinking of what you lack, take some time to go over all the great points of your business ability and how much you’ve grown since its inception.
Sometimes the feeling of envy can provide that boost that you need to make improvements in your business. A little competition tends to push people to do things they should have done earlier and to try harder. Instead of that low energy feeling of “I can’t do anything right”, it makes you say to yourself, “I think I can”. Once you start thinking you can do something, the wheels start turning and soon enough you’ve figured out the way to do it and you’re on your way.
Envy can be used as an energy booster, instead of the other way around. It can strengthen your resolve to do something well, instead of making you think you are dependent on everyone else’s opinion. Once you start to achieve more, you receive more recognition and so the cycle repeats itself, on and on, until you realize that your business is every bit as good, if not better, than those who are competing against you.
Believing in yourself, whether you are at a low point in your business or the pinnacle is how you put envy aside and have the “not so good” feelings work for you instead of against you. Identify what isn’t working for your business, take a look at what works for others and try to incorporate it for your brand. Decide what your unique points are and make sure to market them. They will make you stand out from the other businesses. Distinguish between what is important and what is superfluous and get rid of the excess.
Once you are knowingly making an honest effort to improve your business, you’ll find that you no longer have the time to worry about what everyone else is doing. By this point, they will envy you.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2014
image courtesy of sowhatsallthebuzz
Please tell us more about Mosaic International
MOSAIC International is an organization of entrepreneurs who coach entrepreneurs. We specifically work with Entrepreneurial Leadership Teams that are open minded; respectful; appreciative; growth oriented; frustrated and want help taking their business to the next level. Our ideal client has between $2-50MM in revenue with 10-250 employees. We start with a customized needs assessment and develop an action plan around your specific success criteria to help the entrepreneur and their team grow while also living a balanced life.
What inspired you to join or create this company?
I am a serial entrepreneur. Having started three successful businesses, I realized that each company I started was someone else’s idea and I partnered with them to make their dream come alive. This, in essence is what makes me come alive as well. I have the genius ability to see the possibilities in challenging situations, simplify solutions and build the confidence needed to take action in order to achieve tangible results. I dreamed of having a business that was run completely by entrepreneurs FOR entrepreneurs and soon, MOSAIC International was birthed! At MOSAIC, we surround ourselves with people we admire, we are all doing what we love to do, we are making a tangible difference in other people’s lives, we are all properly compensated for the work we do and to top it all off, we still have time to pursue other passions outside of work. This is our definition of a GREAT life and it is our desire to help other people do the same.
What common trends do you see with your clients (needs, position, inspiration, etc.)?
Entrepreneurs are often very lonely. They have huge visions for the future and they have great teams they have hired but so much of the business is still built around them which causes them to work nonstop in every aspect of the business. Every day becomes a work day with constant strain between work and home and entrepreneurs often forget why they started the business in the first place. We work with entrepreneurs to build their personal confidence and the confidence in their teams to achieve exponential growth and a more fulfilled life.
What’s the most rewarding thing about what you do?
I am a pioneer and a teacher and my role at MOSAIC allows me to do both of these things daily. By working with a team of entrepreneurs and with clients who are entrepreneurs, I am able to help pioneer new ideas and some incredible growth initiatives. I thrive when I am facilitating learning and am teaching new concepts and tools to others. Howard Thurman once said: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” I have done just that and it is the most rewarding thing in the world to help others do the same!
What are your greatest recent accomplishments (both with DemGen and otherwise)?
For the past 4 years, I have been a participant in an incredible program called Strategic Coach. This program has helped me in so many ways but most importantly, it has helped me build a filter to put all opportunities that come my way through to make sure MOSAIC is doing the work we are uniquely good at. Recently, I have made strategic decisions that has allowed me to free up more of my teams time and energy for the things that we LOVE to do and which add so much more value to our clients while also multiplying our bottom line. The idea of growth to this magnitude didn’t happen because I always thought I had to hire more and more people in the organization. While at Strategic Coach, I learned of DemGen and their services and I was immediately SOLD. Through the help of DemGen and my amazing Executive Assistant, Kim, I have been able to streamline so much of what I do and let go of so much of the day to day that had kept me back from realizing the future I dreamed of.
How has working with DemGen benefited your business?
Working with DemGen has given me so much more peace of mind knowing that I have a team…. an ENTIRE TEAM of support around me for anything I could possibly need. I was literally on a call today with my Executive Assistant when I was telling her some of the projects I was working on and some of the things I was really not looking forward to doing and she said, “You know, we have some folks on our team who do just that” and the stress in the moment was gone! The folks at DemGen GET IT. They are so sharp, they are the best at what they do and have really built an incredible team that extends to each of their clients. Having this peace of mind allows me to use this energy on things that I am uniquely good at and that will produce greater results. In essence, DemGen has freed us up to spend more time doing what we love and that generates the most returns and the greatest impact.
How has ‘going virtual’ benefited your business?
I see the possibilities and potential in people and I usually try to hire them. I have hired several people in my business all based on their potential as opposed to their genius abilities and skill sets. I recently went out on a limb and hired someone who seemed so promising. I soon found myself with an employee struggling to produce results and who was quickly stressed as she did not feel as though she was able to give me the support I needed. I had invested a lot of time and energy into this hire. I had also invested a significant amount of cash and had very little return except for a slightly used Macbook Air I had purchased just a few months earlier. Something was not working. Then I found DemGen and I have been able to get the results I have been looking for, with far less of an investment and I have people who are experts in their field supporting my company and helping us to stay focused on what we do best! It is a true WIN-WIN.
Did you have any initial reservations about ‘going virtual’? If so, what made you change your mind?
YES! I had the usual reservations. I had it in my mind that I needed a team full time and people who were physically here with me. I thought there was so much I would need completed that was dependent on being physically present. However, I was proven wrong. I had a mentor tell me once to be proactively skeptical. He encouraged me to be skeptical but do not let this skeptical attitude cripple me from action. Rather, he would encourage me to try things out like an experiment and see if you get the results you want. This is exactly what I did with “going virtual” I had a lot of hesitations and these hesitations were all in my head and I have been able to work around them all! Now I am paying far less than I would with hiring full time employees and have a more robust team who are all doing what they love! This gets me JAZZED up and excited each time I get the opportunity to connect with them.
Has DemGen exceeded your expectations?
DemGen continues to exceed my expectations. Whether it is my Executive Assistant listening to me about my upcoming week and offering to take more and more off my plate or her introducing me to new technologies that can help me streamline what I do, or a strategic introduction to someone else at DemGen who can help me with my new project I am working on…. they have consistently shown me that they have the skills, know-how, and confidence to partner with me and MOSAIC to serve our customers effectively and efficiently. I cannot say enough good things about DemGen and the team there!
Many businesses and companies, comfortable in their previous and present growth tend to be leery of changing their present methods of doing business, afraid it may upset the balance that they have achieved so far.
Caution is commendable and makes sense when a stalled economy has you concerned that your business may not survive, let alone thrive. But there are several methods that obviously help businesses to expand and by believing the myths surrounding them, you may make one of your biggest mistakes.
Myth No. 1
I don’t need a website with a shopping cart. My products and services sell very well right now, so why would I bother selling them online also? As of last year only 11% of Canadian companies sold online, yet the value of what Canadians bought online more than doubled. Canadians spent 18.9 billion dollars online in 2012 and a lot of that went to companies outside of Canada, due to the unavailability of what they were looking for in their own country. Businesses need to look at what consumers are asking for and provide it, if they wish to continue with growth, otherwise they will be left behind by those who will provide it.
Myth No. 2
My relationships with my team and original supporters are not or no longer important, as long as the job gets done and there is money coming in. While team members (or employees) in some cases are one source of relationship problems, the original relationships that you brought into your business should always be taken care of. These include financial and marketing experts who may have originally helped get your business started and gave you advice that kept you from making mistakes that would have been the downfall of your business. All businesses, even those where the sole proprietor wears all of the hats, have supporting members and those members should be taken into account as your company expands.
Myth No. 3
Details don’t count. Most business owners have no idea from month to month, let alone week to week, how they stand in comparison to previous months. You need to know your numbers and the numbers are in the details. While working with a team can help your business expand faster, if you aren’t keeping track of the little things, that expansion can quickly slow and even start to contract. While no one likes a control freak, the smart business owner does his or her homework and takes care of any outstanding issues before they can cause major problems.
Managing and pinpointing the key areas where you need help – either from the outside or from learning more, are the stepping stones of a long term, financially viable business. Understanding the underlying details and determining what needs to stay and what needs to go will help you avoid the myths above that will keep you from growth. Keep your vision for your business intact by always being aware that there may be something you are missing, new ideas you could apply to your business and changes you could make that will help you avoid major business mistakes.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2014
image courtesy of resources.rpoassociation.org
In most businesses, small business in particular, setting goals is applauded and usually taken for granted. We mark out our good intentions for the month, year, 5 and 10 year marks and even more.
The problem arises when after setting the goals, our sense of accomplishment seems to end there. Our feelings of security and satisfaction just from having completed the to do list and having the ability to look at our goals on paper doesn’t last for long. After that a sense of tension and worry set in as we look at these goals every day, wondering how we will ever achieve them.
We all fall victim to our goals for different reasons. Besides setting them too high and not giving ourselves an appropriate time frame in which to accomplish them, we also don’t realize that as everything else changes, our goals will need to change also.
Most of our wants, needs and aspirations are combined deep within our goals and really should be labeled as dreams. We spend a lot of time on our dreams, which tend to have no base or foundation upon which we can build them. We do ridiculous things in order to realize them and for those that do, once we’re there, we have a huge feeling of being let down and dissatisfaction and wonder why we wanted these things at all.
The largest hurdle is in setting the right goals and having a definite step by step method to achieve them. We have to be motivated to achieve them, otherwise the time we spend worrying about them takes away from what we really could be accomplishing with our time. Goals need to be extremely specific, realistic as to when they need to be reached and also practical. If we set the bar too low, we won’t have any reason to try hard enough to reach them and will just forget about them but if the bar is too high we’ll feel we aren’t doing enough, aren’t smart enough, don’t work hard enough to get where we want to go.
Every one of these things, as it puts your attention on something else, keeps you from working on other aspects of your business and slows down your progress in everything, leading to most of us giving up on ever reaching those goals we spent so much time writing down and looking at each day. Instead of rewarding ourselves each step of the way as our business grew, we forget about rewards and start to back pedal and redo what we thought what went wrong, since we didn’t reach a specific named goal. Whether through over simplification or letting things get out of control as we realized we would never reach a goal in time, we allowed our goals to control us, instead of the other way around.
We didn’t realize the difference between needs and wants and act accordingly. Knowing the difference between the two can help keep your business from backsliding and instead help you with your progress. Knowing when to set aside something that just isn’t working for your business can be a big decision, one that some business owners never make.
Let go of your plans and see if you can form new habits instead. Habits which aren’t rigidly adhered to but those, when kept in mind instead of a list of goals, will day by day increase how well your business is doing and also increase your ability to run your business proactively, rather than by following a set of instructions; instructions which may have outlived their usefulness. Our fear of uncertainty leads us into making goals that may not be what’s best for ourselves and our businesses. Small business owners have always been known for their unique methods of reaching their goals, their willingness to take on change at the drop of a hat and more than anything, their fearlessness – all qualities that don’t involve setting goals.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2014
image courtesy of adammichaelbrewer
I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. I believe in productivity as much as the next person and I sleep better at night when I feel I’ve had a better than average day when it comes to getting things done.
But are we overdoing it? Is productivity the golden key to happiness or are we so busy that we aren’t even aware of what makes us happy anymore? Most of us seem to justify what we do with our time by labelling it productive and this includes our leisure time also. Achievement seems to be the goal, becoming better at what we do, doing those things faster than ever and especially better and faster than those around us, for achievement is a very competitive thing.
The problem arises when we feel that we have to justify everything we do by calling it productive. Efficient use of your time has its place; in your workplace or business, but outside of that, should we really be keeping tabs of each minute and how we spend it? While we all like to think we are getting somewhere through our efforts, either in business or a hobby or talent that consumes our time, is it necessary to always be producing or is this our manufactured way of making ourselves feel important?
Once you start to feel that you have to make the most out of every minute of your day is when leisure and relaxation go the way of the dinosaur and you are on a constant treadmill of keeping up with not only your idea but everyone else’s idea of what you should be doing and when you should be doing it. Losing control of your actions in the workplace is one thing but to never really be in charge of what you do in your private life is another.
Increased productivity rarely leads to feeling happy or a sense of satisfaction, as there will always be times when we feel we haven’t done enough, and should have done more. Managing our time in an efficient way can be great, especially when we get more done in less time by focusing on what we are doing. But if we are putting aside the things we really want to do, just to accomplish things we’ve been told we should want to accomplish, then we are being productive for the wrong reasons. A few examples of the right reasons would be: spending a few extra hours one week sewing costumes for our child’s school play; repainting a room a different color when the present color is one we absolutely despise and don’t feel comfortable with; growing a garden that we enjoy looking at and from which we can reap the benefit of fresh vegetables; spending extra hours going over a presentation for work so we thoroughly understand what we are talking about.
The feeling that we have to be productive is actually cutting into our real productivity, that balance between work, leisure, recreation and family that keeps us happy and fuels our energy so we can accomplish the most important things. Our fear of being left behind has led to a productivity crisis, one where everyone is busy doing but not really getting anything done that will have any major impact on their future, will not lead to a quality life and in the end will leave them frustrated and stressed.
Leaving time for “unproductivity” will allow you the chance to have real ideas, learn more about what you would really like to do that is enjoyable and maybe even get those real things done.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2014
image courtesy of andertoons
© DemGen Inc. 2014
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