Useful stats to help plan the social media strategy for your business.
Useful stats to help plan the social media strategy for your business.
After graduation, students should be elated to be done school, but the search for a new job can cause even more panic attacks than your last final. You may have finally received that coveted diploma, but the real test has only just begun.
If you’re a recent graduate looking for a new position, or a business owner looking for a new partner, these suggestions will make the hiring process a little easier.
1. Interviews are key.
For Business Owners: It doesn’t matter if you’ve found someone with the most impressive resume in the world, meeting someone for an interview is extremely important. Asking questions about past project, school involvement, and future aspirations with the company will help you understand their overall personality and work ethic. If they engage you in conversation and show a willingness to learn about the company – you know you’ve found a good candidate.
For Recent Graduates: Go on as many interviews as possible. Even if you’re not 100 per cent qualified for the position, going to multiple interviews will strengthen your comfort in tense situations. You may not land your first job interview, so it’s important to keep going. Engage in conversation with your interviewer, bring an extra copy of your resume (and portfolio pieces if necessary) and make sure they get to know you.
2. Lose any pretence of attitude.
For Business Owners: Remember: you still need to sell your business. You’re not the only company that’s hiring, and you won’t be doing anyone a favour if you make them feel as though they’d be lucky to work for you. The reason you’re hiring graduates is to add new talent, and you might end up losing them if you belittle their benefits to the company.
For Recent Graduates: Please remember that you are not the only person with a new diploma. You may have graduated top of your class and acquired some great references, but you’re still new, and there might be someone with more experience and a similar diploma sitting in the waiting room with you. You want to build a relationship, and a bad attitude won’t help with that.
3. Get over any procrastination tendencies, and fear of group work.
For Business Owners: Never procrastinate when it comes to hiring. Don’t hire someone when you need him or her to start immediately. It’s better to hire someone during a slow period, so you have time to train them and introduce them to the company. When you are conducting interviews, bring someone else with you. They might pick up something you missed.
For Recent Graduates: If you haven’t already figured out how to beat procrastination, do it now, and quickly. Chances are you won’t stick around very long if you can’t keep on top of your assigned work. And remember how much you despise group work because of that one person who doesn’t pull their weight? Well, it’s time to shake that feeling and jump in headfirst. You’re in a new place with new people, and showing your boss that you’re eager to work as a team is a great way to start building relationships.
© Zoe Begopoulos, DemGen Inc 2013
Wowzers, this one’s intense! Please try not to get lost in the information and statistics…
It’s no surprise that spending hours sitting in front of a computer screen can make you feel more sluggish than spending hours at the gym. Nothing zaps energy quite like the screen of a continuously running computer.
If you’re feeling the hit, especially with the warm weather coming, you might want to try a few of these tips to help boost your energy throughout the day.
1. Swap soda for water.
Your favourite carbonated drink might be great at giving you a sudden boost of energy, but switching to water will have infinitely more positive health effects. Drinking water, especially in the morning, can help boost your metabolism and regulate your appetite.
2. Make yourself a series of small snacks.
If you’re used to packing a lunch for your child, this will be easy enough. Snacking in between meals also helps regulate your appetite, and will stop you from overeating at meal times. It will also help keep you energized throughout the day. Snacks like vegetables and dip, Greek yogurt or Kefir (probiotic yogurt), a handful of nuts, or an apple with peanut butter are all great for in between meals.
3. Stand up and take a walk once every hour.
If your schedule allows it, make time to stand up and walk around your house or office about once every hour instead of once a day at lunch, and not just to the fridge and back. Walking around for 5 to ten minutes will get the blood flowing, and give your brain a rest, allowing you to head back to work focused and ready to go again.
4. Exercise your upper body while reading.
If you’re spending time reading emails or looking over documents, don’t be afraid to do some upper body exercises while you’re at it. Bicep curls, chest rows, and punches are all exercises that are specific to your arms and can be done while you’re sitting down. If you don’t have any hand weights available, a large bottle of water or can of soup work too!
If you’re looking for more ways to exercise during your break time at work, there are plenty of little routines that can be done in confined spaces. By focusing on your health at work, you’re not only helping yourself, but also helping your business.
Healthy entrepreneurs and coworkers call in to fewer sick days, and continue to produce great work, which makes for an overall healthier and more productive environment!
© Zoe Begopoulos, DemGen Inc 2013
If you’ve heard anything about the growing ‘Slow Movement’, then you may have wondered how you could make this practice work for your business. The Slow Movement concentrates on living a life of more enjoyment and less rushing around to get things done, just for the sake of doing them. Its focus is value, both in your personal life and in your business, and that value in your business includes time for you as well as time for your clients.
While very much a proponent of work/life balance, The Slow Movement takes things a step further by incorporating all aspects of your life, ensuring that you are totally involved in every minute of your day, not wasting time on the unimportant. It takes notice of the fact that fast and busy are not the same as effective and focused.
Three noticeable ways that you can slow down while running your business are:
Stay calm.
Most business mistakes are made when we are under pressure. Decisions that are made in a hurry without listening to your inner voice can be costly. The lost art of reflection before action, spending time thinking things through before rushing into them is one that we should gladly learn to appreciate. It will be of benefit to you in many ways, not the least of which is your business.
Concentrate on value.
Recently, with the accelerating pace of our jobs and the expectations because of this, most small business owners feel they are in a race to always be the best – and the best these days usually means the fastest! But we aren’t necessarily receiving anything in return for this. Our lives are not improving, we aren’t making more money and we definitely aren’t happier. Our health and peace of mind are both paying the price for our increase in speed. In order to do things well, we need to slow down.
Decide what really matters.
One thing that is epidemic in our society is wasting our time on the unimportant. While The Slow Movement does consider that we rush around too much, it also emphasizes the fact that a lot of the rushing is all in our heads. The use of technology for so many more things than in the past has actually added to our stress by making an app available for just about everything. Step outside of the crowd and be bold enough to do things a little bit differently. Actually live your life!
The Slow Movement can be a lifesaver for those who find their lives filled with too many things to do and too many responsibilities – real or imagined! Taking the time to do things at the right speed and as well as you can – high quality work instead of a lot of work – means your business will benefit and so will you.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc 2013
Were you affected by Google’s latest update? This handy infographic explains Penguin 2.0 and what this update means to your Google rankings.
Marketing is a fickle machine to run within a company, and can cost a lot of money with little return. Depending on your audience and your product, different marketing techniques can be used to boost your outcome, but those techniques can sometimes be extremely expensive.
Tom Patty, retired president and Worldwide Account Director of marketing firm Chiat/Day, understood how hard marketing can be for small sized businesses to create awareness without plenty of money to spend. Patty decided to put his knowledge to good use by counseling small businesses on marketing without money.
As part of his counseling sessions, Patty created an “Eightfold Path to Marketing Success” that can help small businesses.
1. Sit down and identify your best target prospect.
This is similar to narrowing your target market, but it is extremely important to identify who is most likely to buy your product and how often they’re willing to invest in it.
2. Promote your best benefit.
By your best benefit, Patty means to look at the one thing your product does best. Some examples he refers to are that Disney is “The Happiest Place on Earth” and Crest “Prevents Cavities.” By focusing on their best benefit, these companies are able to boost customer satisfaction and continue creating awareness of the “best” quality.
3. Improve your value equation.
Exceeding the expectations of customers should always be a goal of a company, and by doing so; you’re unintentionally marketing to new customers by word of mouth. Patty suggests finding out what your customers want more of, and give it to them, so customers will begin to love your product.
4. Next, define your best growth strategy.
This is where you need to decide if you want more from your original customers, or if you think it would be beneficial to begin building relationships with new customers. It’s important to focus on just one, to continue building customer satisfaction.
5. Identify your best customers.
This is after your initial sit down to identify your best target prospect, because now you want to identify the criteria for a good customer. After doing this, it’s good to look at the amount of overall customers you have and their habits, versus the amount of good customers you have.
6. Begin building on proven growth tools.
Proven growth tools can be anything from new products for customers to new pricing, or distribution. A good starting point would be new packaging, as this is something every customers sees and helps them to remember the product.
7. Apply the right approach to finding customers.
There are two ways to search out customers. Either you go to them, which works best when you have a product a customer wants, or they come to you, which is when you provide a product or service a customer needs. By applying the right approach, you can continue to market your product to the right prospect.
8. Begin processing customers through the purchase funnel.
By continuing to communicate the benefit of your product, you will be able to gain new and continuous customer attention. You’ll be able to continue growing relationships with good customers, and build loyalty to your product.
So, the number one lesson taught by Patty is that marketing doesn’t have to cost a lot of extra money. Practicing other techniques that lead to customer satisfaction and create overall product awareness can be done through marketing with no money, if you just follow the right steps.
© Zoe Begopoulos, DemGen Inc 2013
As busy entrepreneurs and business owners, we often wear many hats and find ourselves wishing there were more hours in a day.
As your to do list continues to grow, and your inbox and voice mail keep filling up, you can soon find yourself ready to pull your hair out.
Luckily, there is a solution… Delegate to a virtual team!
The hiring process can indeed add more to your plate as you have to interview, select and train each new member of your team, so why not have someone else do it for you.
Companies like DemGen have built a robust team of experts for pretty much any service you could require. Instead of hiring an assistant, a web designer, a graphic designer and copyrighter separately – they’re all in one place, already vetted and ready to get started.
Instead of waiting until you’re overwhelmed, stressed and burned out, proactively hire a virtual team. Let’s face it, you’re doing your business a disservice by trying to do it all yourself. You are the visionary and leader, and should only be spending your valuable time on activities related to your unique expertise.
Resist the urge to hire the cheapest you can find, as it will just create more headaches in the long run. Remember the old adage, “You get what you pay for.” For your business to be the best, you need to surround yourself with the best.
Don’t wait to delegate. Start today!
© Tamara Smith, DemGen Inc 2013
A viable business is never smooth sailing all the time. If it were, your business wouldn’t be growing, it would be stagnant. Learning to identify the signs that tell you your business has been too long in a non-growth period and finding out what has caused this are part of your ongoing business education. Realizing that your business is not only NOT growing but is actually boring you can be a wake-up call that something is wrong, not only with your business, but maybe with the way you look at it. When this happens, you have hit a brick wall and it’s time to take a closer look at many things in your life.
First ask yourself why you feel your business isn’t going anywhere. Is it because of something you did or didn’t do or is it your attitude and the way you are looking at your business that has changed? People change and their businesses should change right along with them. Do you see something as a wall and have the motivation to break through it or does it stop you in your path? How badly do you want to reach the other side?
Sometimes, when you imagine reaching the other side, the options available don’t appeal to you. If that’s the case, then this is a wall that has stopped you for a reason. If you see something you want, then the wall is there to tell you that you have some more work to do. The biggest decision you will make at this point is which scenario fits your present situation.
You don’t necessarily have to knock down the wall or even climb over it. With the right tools and a good attitude, you can open a door in your business and walk right through. The wall itself may actually mean that you are getting close to a long term goal and have hit a plateau. If this is what is happening, there is no need to worry. Take a deep breath, look around at where you are now, regroup and plow forward with your best and most original ideas.
If you’re worried that it is more than that, if you are worried the you aren’t really sure of where you are or where you mean to go, a little more in depth planning will be needed. Maybe you don’t want to lose the position you are at now but trying something new or different scares you – you are afraid to take the risk. Maybe you feel comfortable right where you are – maybe too comfortable but you also have the feeling that you haven’t lived up to your potential.
Step back and take a closer look at where your business is now. Are you still holding on to business methods or ideas that are outdated or are no longer compatible with the way you work? Being busy in or with your business doesn’t mean you have momentum…you can still be running in place. Are you taking action or are you reacting to what is thrown at you each day? Whichever way you act it will either be from the offensive or the defensive – which side would you rather be on? By being on the offense, it shows that you are pushing forward, while running your business from the defense implies that you are reacting – possibly in a negative way – to everything that is thrown at you. It also means that you may be putting up boundaries and walls in place of letting in new ideas.
Follow through on your new ideas and see where they take you. You don’t always need a business plan to get ahead. Be persistent in gradually examining each section of your business and look at what you can do now or in the near future to move ahead. Not everything in your business will be something that needs to be changed. Never take action just for the sake of change, only change the things that no longer work well for you.
You don’t necessarily have to knock down the wall or even climb over it. Use your common sense. You can open the door in your business and walk right through that wall.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc 2013
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