While all successful business people have qualities in common, the female entrepreneur needs to focus on several of those qualities more than the others.
An attitude
Becoming an entrepreneur will cause you to realize that you can’t just quit when things get tough. Having a tenacious attitude and welcoming challenges while knowing you can overcome them will be necessary in any venture you undertake. While we all fear failure, knowing that if you fall down you can always pick yourself up and start again means you believe in yourself and it will show in your business. Being optimistic is the best attitude when it comes to any business dealings you have with others. After all, how could you possibly fail?!
Don’t take everything personally. In order to run a successful business, flexibility is key and women who are in business realize they will need to grow a thicker skin. Accept criticism graciously and listen to other’s ideas and opinions. You don’t have to act on those ideas but sometimes they can be incorporated into your business plan.
A streak of independence is the most common personality trait of all entrepreneurs, whether female or male. Without it, they wouldn’t be able to come up with the original ideas that get their businesses noticed. A widespread knowledge of many issues is a large help in selling your products and services to an array of customers. Narrow mindedness won’t work when it comes to understanding just what others need or want from your company.
Networking ability
If you aren’t comfortable speaking with others or advertising yourself, you’ll definitely need someone else to work with you or on your behalf, otherwise your business will not grow. The best entrepreneurs love to speak with others, especially about their business! They are naturals when it comes to selling themselves and their ideas and while this doesn’t have to be in person, great conversational and writing skills will be necessary no matter which way you choose to build your network.
Promoting your business and advertising are at the top of the list for all entrepreneurs in order to attract the right customers. If you need help and find this challenging, ask other women entrepreneurs how they got started.
While there are other qualities needed if you want to succeed on your own, these top three will ensure that you are on your way to the business you dreamed of. Make your own rules, take your own risks and learn from your experience!
Chris Draper
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