Sprouter, based out of Toronto, is a social network for entrepreneurs where members can collaborate in real time to educate each other in business practises.

Created for start ups, entrepreneurs can ask questions anonymously of others or share business information and support those who are just starting out or trying to grow their business. Live question and answer is available with other members of the business community.

Sprouter Integrates with both Facebook and Twitter and includes a free iPhone app. The weekly free newsletter lists events and new start ups. As well, you can also upload your own events to share with others. With its Twitter like platform, event attendees can have real time conversations with each other.

Sprouter appears to be a great idea aimed at entrepreneurs and small businesses who find that Twitter is not for them and LinkedIn lacks real connection. With more than 15,000 members at last count, Sarah Prevette, the founder of Sprouter, plans to keep the site free for entrepreneurs by selling ad space in the newsletter and with the help of its current investors.
