Not only is there a mystique surrounding the success of entrepreneurs, there is a myth that everyone would excel at being self-employed. Employment and self-employment are distinctly different circumstances and not everyone is equally suited to make the required adjustments. Let’s dispel the myth that all are fit for this unique job description.

Are you the kind of person who gets work done in response to external prodding such as only a boss can deliver? Working for yourself is quite free of that sort of supervision, and its many other pressures require a self-motivated and self-directed person to take the helm and respond accordingly. If you lack the ability to strategically move toward your goals, then an entrepreneurial venture may be the last thing you want to try.


Are you the kind of person who takes rejection personally? In business it is likely that you will experience many variations of nay-saying. Negative responses to your proposals, products, services, ideas and requests are not meant personally, nor should you allow them to inhibit your further attempts to attain your business dreams and goals. If you cannot let rejections pass as nothing more than small blips in the road to your success, then self-employment may not be the best match for you.

Are you a person with an extreme case of “tunnel vision”? You may have a very clear idea of what you want to create as a new business, but if you’re not willing to adapt to the surrounding business environment, success may be limited or even extinguished. It pays to be the sort of person who can see a bigger picture. Whatever looms on the horizon will impact your new business. If you are determined to create under a certain set of circumstances, you may miss the opportunity that “outside the box” thought and action could provide. If you are unwilling to adapt to what you see, hear and know is happening, then the life of the entrepreneur may not be the life for you.


Are you a person who must do it all by yourself despite the odds and the circumstances? Working for oneself is a great way to be independent; this is true. Perhaps you prefer to hold only yourself accountable for your goals and not rely on others to come through on tough deadlines or project requirements. Nevertheless, it is a big mistake for a small business owner to avoid getting the assistance he or she needs to get off the ground. No matter how highly gifted, learned or accomplished we each may be, none of us is capable of mastering all tasks equally well. Every individual’s genius abilities and talents complement those of others. If you are unwilling to work with others, even when it is in your own best interests, then owning your own business may not be your best choice.


By taking a good look at yourself and giving a realistic appraisal of your own suitability, you will know if the life of an entrepreneur is right for you.

DemGen’s Genius Ability team of experts can help you to grow your business. For information on our services and resources, please email

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