While there may be actual reasons that your business isn’t doing as well as it should, many business owners aren’t aware that what they consider a reason for failure is really just an excuse they are using, usually to avoid hard work or one of several other things.
The most prevalent excuse at the moment is the economy or lack of money. While insufficient funds have always been a problem for many businesses, sometimes it is the way you are allocating your funds that is causing the problem. Many business owners can be quite cheap when it comes to marketing in particular and when the necessary money isn’t spent, it shows in a lack of new business. This leads to either stagnation or a drop in sales, which then leads to doubts about your business.
The second excuse which we hear most often, is not having enough time, a common complaint from many of us these days. As we all know, there is never enough time to do all of the things we consider necessary to run our businesses effectively. Organization combined with intelligent time management is the only way we will be satisfied with the amount of time we spend on our businesses. When our time isn’t used wisely is when it shows up in our business as a lack of interest.
This isn’t the right time to expand my business. This may be true but then again, is there ever a right time? Using economic circumstances or any other excuse as a reason not to expand means you don’t have confidence in your products, services or yourself. The right product and service can do well under the worst circumstances, as there will always be something that your customer needs and it’s up to you to learn just what that is.
These are three of the most common excuses that will erode confidence in your business, always used under the guise of reasons. There are others, such as ill-health brought on by neglect, lack of good help when a business owner is afraid to take on an employee or virtual team with a professionally proven reputation and just plain laziness.
Real leadership takes confidence and if you want your business to continue to thrive and grow, give up the excuses and look at the real reasons you aren’t taking the necessary steps that will get you to where you want to be. Stop worrying about exactly how you will reach your goals and put small steps into place that will at least get you headed in the right direction. Don’t fix things that aren’t in need of fixing as a way of putting off what really needs to be done and work your way past any situation that is holding you back.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2014
image courtesy of mint.com
Here at DemGen, we believe it’s essential for marketing and sales teams to be aligned to close the circle to ensure goals and results are being achieved, both internally and for our clients.
We’ve learned through countless lead generation campaigns that persistence is essential to maximizing sales from qualified inbound leads! One call or email is not going to generate an immediate sale, consistent communication is key. Share information, make regular calls – check in and be genuine…
Only 50% of qualified leads are ready to purchase immediately. In fact, 80% of sales are made on the 5th to 12th contact!
Instead of focusing on the ‘quick sale’, get to know your prospects and build a real relationship.
Maximizing Sales From Qualified Inbound Leads – An infographic by InsideUp
If you’re a business owner, marketer or conduct any business in Canada, you’re undoubtedly aware of the proposed changes to Canada’s anti-spam law (CASL).
CASL prohibits the sending of unsolicited commercial electronic messages (CEMs) without prior consent of the recipient and provides rules regarding the manner in which such messages may be sent. The legislation is expected to come into force in late 2013.
The legislation imposes significant monetary penalties for the sending of unsolicited CEMs, the alteration of transmission data, and the unauthorized installation of computer programs. Financial penalties range up to $1 million for an individual and up to $10 million for a business per violation.
On January 5, Industry Canada released its newest version of the proposed regulations, accepting comments until February 4.
For the past month, businesses and groups from across the country have been expressing their concerns by taking action with a campaign against the legislation.
Though we can all agree that excessive spam is not a good thing, businesses are concerned about the strict requirements, costs to implement and hefty fines for mistakes.
For more information, review the full proposed law and the official site.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has taken a hard stance against the legislation and provided a summary of the law and action you can take.
Though it’s past the deadline to submit comments to Industry Canada, you can still contact your member of parliament.
What do you think about the CASL? Let us know in the comments section.
This infographic visually displays the need for a strong lead management system within any company, to ensure your leads don’t turn into ‘the Walking Dead’.
DemGen stands for Demand Generation, both literally and in our principles.
Lead management is an essential factor for every successful business. It covers the full customer life cycle from lead generation, to nurturing, to actually making the sale.
The art of selling begins with you generating leads and bring them into your funnel, but then what? If you’re jumping straight to a sales pitch, you may be lowering your odds of closing. Not all leads are ready to buy immediately.
Here at DemGen, we have various automated systems to nurture and educate our prospects, such as our daily quotes and newsletter, but know nothing replaces the human touch.
Your prospects and clients want to feel cared for. They want to know you understand them, any questions to be answered and to trust you. They want a real relationship with who anyone they choose to work with.
Many of our clients come to us after realizing this. They have working strategies for lead generation to bring in new prospects, but have forgotten to consider what to do with those prospects once they’re in the funnel.
The human touch helps to optimize the sales and marketing funnel by scaling and qualifying leads.
Be sure to track and analyze every click, from email campaigns, to web site visits, to downloads and utilize a robust CRM system to keep it all organized.
This will help you to track your hot leads and know what conversation to have. There is a wealth of data you can collect to ensure you’re calling at the right time, with the right message.
Using the right technology, systems and strategies can help to make the lead management process more efficient, but will never replace a good, old fashioned human touch.
© DemGen Inc.
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