An interesting look at who entrepreneurs are.
Source: Daily Infographic
Cheers to all of the entrepreneurs!
We create and innovate.
We leap and know the net will appear.
We put in long hours to get the job done.
We work harder than we ever have for ourselves.
We build the economy.
We create jobs.
We don’t let anyone tell us no.
We keep pushing forward until we succeed.
We make sacrifices for the sake of our businesses.
We fill needs.
We have courage.
We are passionate.
We lead.
We inspire.
We live the dream.
We change the world!
© Tamara Smith, DemGen Inc. 2013
Business owners tend to worry over whether they are putting their best efforts into their businesses and whether those efforts are actually making any difference. Should they be doing things differently, trying something else? Should they be paying more attention to what other business owners are doing, maybe taking the same path?
Improve on what you already do.
When it comes to competition, this is not a race with other businesses. Your main competitor should be yourself. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses and trying to fix them, take advantage of your strengths and what you do best. Building your business around your strong points will ensure that whatever you do will be done from a position of quality and knowledge, not one of self-doubt.
Finish what you start.
Try not to second guess yourself. Changing your plans or direction halfway through a project or business improvement, worrying that maybe this is not the way you should be heading, can cause you to doubt any of your decisions. Whatever you have started on, at some point you thought it was a good or maybe even a great idea. Why not see where it takes you? You may be surprised at the outcome and could end up expanding your business in a way that gives you a whole new way of looking at your niche.
Invest in your talents and skills.
What are you really good at? How does this fit in with your business and are there ways you can learn more, ways that you can expand what you already do well, that will benefit your business in the future? Successful business owners know that their business is only as good as the talents and time they invest in it. Setting aside time to improve on skills is one of the best business investments they make.
Being your best at what you do, whether it is in your business or a hobby (that could possibly lead to a business!) is what leads to satisfaction in whatever you undertake. Appreciate what stands out in other businesses, learn from them and apply it to yourself. To pursue your personal best in your business is all about the efforts you’re willing to put in to improve yourself.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc 2013
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How many of these time wasters have you fallen prey to?
With small businesses making up 98% of all businesses in Canada and employing almost 70% of private-sector workers, it’s safe to say small business is BIG in Canada!
Source: BDC
Be serious but enjoy yourself.
Take your business seriously but at the same time, enjoy what you are doing. Putting the effort into your business that it needs will lead to personal satisfaction, a must if you wish to grow to the extent that you will reach financial stability. If you work from a home office, there may be some who will not look at your business as real work. Being highly motivated and extremely well organized will help your business stay on track. Sticking to your plan, setting reasonable goals and taking the time to investigate all options before making big decisions will help you to project a professional image.
If your planned your business around something which you enjoyed doing and it has always held your interest, then you were already halfway there. The ability to enjoy yourself while taking your business seriously is an important quality in a business owner. The majority of business owners are very good at developing serious qualities but not so great at knowing how to enjoy themselves at the same time.
Learn and work hard.
Working hard means to work not just on your business, but also to work on yourself. Learning new things, whether business related or not, can keep you moving mentally. Become as much of an expert as you can on business issues that pertain to your niche but also take the time to learn about things that are of interest to you and outside the scope of your business. It makes you a more interesting person and who knows? It may lead to a whole new business later on in life. Those who succeed tend to be those who love to learn, who are always seeking out new learning opportunities and enjoy the tools that help them get ahead. Consider this as an investment in yourself, the more effort you put in, the more you will reap the rewards.
Working hard means working smart. Know which areas will benefit the most from your energy and spend the most amount of time on those. Prioritize tasks so the most essential items are completed to the best of your ability. Look to the future and what you will gain from your hard work. The ant didn’t get ahead by listening to the grasshopper, he ensured his future by listening to himself and working hard.*
Motivate yourself to gain strength.
In order to succeed at your business, you will need to be strong and in order to be strong, you must remain motivated. The two go hand in hand. Not everyone has what it takes to motivate themselves, which is why not everyone is a great small business owner. Holding yourself accountable, without the quality of your work suffering, will be one of the most important things you can do in order to succeed at your business. Without someone managing you, being capable of managing yourself is a quality you will want to develop.
Self-motivation is very much tied to your attitude. Try to keep as positive a frame of mind as possible by checking how you react to other people’s moods and statements. Never forget that you choose your reaction. If you find yourself reacting negatively, take a step back and think about the reason you’re reacting this way and try to put a positive spin on it. It affects your mood and makes you realize that you are in control. Staying in control of your emotions leads to inner strength, always a good thing to help you on the road to success.
Everyone’s definition of success differs and for most, the qualities needed will differ also. Take a long look at yourself and figure out which of your qualities stand out the most. Stress those the most as you grow your business and work on the others that you feel you need.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2013
*The Ant and the Grasshopper, Aesop’s Fables
Image courtesy of bcasssessment
“You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.” ~ Jim Rohn
I had the pleasure of attending several weekend workshops with the late Jim Rohn in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Aside from the workshops, I also had some one-on-one time with him. His style really resonated with me and I would say he was a true gentleman who took the time to hone his craft. When I saw a reference to this quote I was taken back 20 years and I could actually hear him saying it with his great voice. I could also immediately see how true it was then and perhaps even more so today. I thought of how much Jim would appreciate DemGen’s business model which is to help entrepreneurs clarify their dreams/visions and magnify their skills while acquiring the other skills necessary from our team to help them realize their vision.
My take is that we are to DREAM as Big or BIGGER than ever. I truly feel that’s what we’re designed to be doing. This is not to say – let’s get a lot of stuff or even make truckloads of money. I feel its fine to do so if you wish, yet to me the bigger picture is – what do you want your life to flow like. How will your business support your personal lifestyle and vice-versa. At DemGen we crafted a unique process around this called the “Future Vision Map”. Establish the destination and then set out a plan to achieve and implement that dream/vision. I feel anything can be created from correct thinking just as it always has.
After years of working traditionally in business and trying to compensate for the areas that were not my unique and true skill set. I’ve come to realize that I prefer to hire bookkeepers and accountants rather than take a course such as “accounting for non-accountants” or “accounting for dummies” as an example. Why attempt to strengthen a weakness when I can partner with someone that has a strength in the area I need support, and they like doing that work. I prefer to “magnify” and only work in the areas I enjoy and am good at. Dan Sullivan and the team at Strategic Coach talk about this a lot in Unique Ability – which I highly recommend reading.
In truth I know this post would go a little outside Jim’s true intentions on this quote. Jim was a voracious learner, I can hear him say – why would you ever set your goal or standard lower…read a book, take a course, elevate yourself. I subscribe to all of that myself. And at the same time I feel he would appreciate my modern take on it. You don’t have to be an expert in all the areas – do what you are great at and collaborate on the other areas.
Wishing you sky-high dreams and magnified skills,
© Gary Evans, DemGen Inc. 2013
Exemplary customer service is by far one of the hardest tactics to master within the service world, meaning it is also one of the most important. Where would you be without satisfied customers? While some companies believe customer will continue to come if they have the best product, most understand that superior and consistent customer service is the key to longstanding relationships.
Facilitating superior customer service may be difficult, so here are some ways to begin building the best relationships possible with your customers:
1. Encourage kindness and courtesy from employees
Set a standard of excellence for employees to follow that includes showing kindness and courtesy to all customers. A simple act of kindness can go a long way in making a customer feel acknowledged and satisfied, and by encouraging employees to resolve customer frustration themselves through kindness, the appreciation for your business will increase.
2. Express and connect through empathy
Frustrated customers appear quickly when they feel like the company representative they’re speaking to doesn’t have empathy for their problem. This is especially true for small businesses, since customers want to believe their business means a lot to you and your company. Always acknowledge the distress a customer is feeling, and show a sense of understanding for any disappointment they have.
3. Ask questions
The customer has clearly come to your service or for your product for a reason. Find out what they want specifically, and why. Asking questions creates a dialogue between you and your customer that shows them you are interested in helping them solve their problem. It also presents new opportunities to provide them with ulterior options, or inform them about something that might interest them.
4. Avoid these words: “I don’t know” and “That’s not my job”
These might just be the words that customers despise the most. They understand that you’re human and do not expect you to know the answer to every question, but instead of deflecting, use the opportunity to learn about what the customer is looking for and direct them to where they can receive the right information. If it’s a request that you don’t deal with directly, let the customer know that you’ll pass the information on to the appropriate people!
Whether you work in the customer service industry or not, you will almost always have to face interactions with people. Always remember that customers are people too, and they appreciate being treated like one.
© Zoe Begopoulos, DemGen Inc. 2013
You’ve reached a crossroads in your business. Or so you thought, until it dawned on you that it wasn’t a crossroads at all. You were actually at a complete stop. After running a successful business for this long, the choices you thought would be there – expected to be there – seemed to have disappeared, or possibly they were never there at all, at least not with any degree of clarity.
All business owners want their businesses to keep on growing. They would like to see continued success and a future for their business that is both interesting and financially stable. Problems arise when they look back and realize they had no real plan in place for when they reached this point.
Now is the time to go over your business with a fine tooth comb and make decisions on exactly where you would like your business to go. Is it in a totally new direction or would you just like to add new services and products?
Before you spend a lot of time and effort on decisions that will affect your future business, take into consideration which products your present customers use the most and why they benefit from those. What will they need in the future that you can provide? Have you exhausted your niche and need to expand into something else or do you need to provide a wider variety of services and products within your niche, maybe something just a little bit different that will be of interest to a wider group of customers.
What you need is a clear vision of where you want your business to go, ensuring it’s somewhere that interests you and will be viable long term. You’ll want it to encompass all of the important points, so that new methods of marketing and promotion are included. You’ll need systems in place that work for your type of business and you’ll want it to be something that will have further options for growth in the future.
You’ll want a business that will no longer have complete stops, that will have actual choices, maybe even multiple crossroads, all of them of interest to you and all of them spelling success.
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2013
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