by annavital.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
You may think that multitasking helps you to get more done, but as this infographic shows, multitasking actually makes you less productive.
Our virtual team can help you to focus on your special skills and genius abilities to grow your business. Let us handle the rest!
As entrepreneurs and business owners, we have a unique perspective on time. (Often there doesn’t seem to be enough of it in a day…)
This infographic provides a visualization of our perspective on time in comparison to human and natural history.
As the year winds down and we start to look back over what we have accomplished in 2013, a lot of us are tallying up just how many of our goals we reached this year and making a list for next year. One thing those goals may have in common is the amount of time spent on reaching them. But a better use of our time would be to figure out just what we can do for ourselves that will make our goals easier to reach in a lesser amount of time.
If we track our time for a week or even a day, it’s surprising just how much free time we really do have and how much of that we waste on frivolous pursuits – Facebook and Twitter come to mind, as well as several other popular social networking websites. Technology in general has added an element of laziness to our days that we often contribute to work related tasks. If we aren’t participating in social networking throughout the day, we are left feeling as if we are missing out on something. Is this really investing in ourselves and using our time well?
Investing in yourself doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune, or anything at all. But it does mean you will have to spend time on you and for a lot of us, we are quite often the last person we spend time on and when we do, it isn’t spent wisely. When asked how they would prefer to spend their time, most business owners answered with the following: family, health and education. Runners up were long term projects and yoga or meditation. When asked what was stopping them? Lack of time!
Quit wasting your precious minutes and hours. Technology has allowed us to have access to a world full of news. While it’s nice to be informed of everything that is going on globally, focusing yourself locally will cut down on time wasted with news items that will never concern you and shouldn’t concern you. Do we really need to know what every celebrity is doing every day? Spend that time on yourself, your family and your friends. Spend it on your business, your customers. In this way, you are investing in yourself and not scattering your energy.
Spend a few minutes and make a list of what you really want to do this year. This can be personal or business related. Then spend a few more minutes researching, shut down all of the distractions and go do it. Even a few minutes a day can create a habit, especially if it’s at the same time each day. This time can be for exercise, courses you’re interested in, other recreational activities or even getting to know your own locale again. I lived in Toronto for years and never did spend any time getting to know the city – I was too busy working and commuting back and forth to work. What a waste of my time!
Investing in yourself means paying attention to what you are doing. It is a commitment, a promise to yourself to move forward instead of staying in one place and then having regrets once again at the end of the year. It means choosing yourself over the distractions that take up your time. Investing in yourself leads to growth and if you’re finishing off the year feeling as if something is incomplete in your life, now is the time to figure out what you’ve left unfinished and resolve to change it within the coming year. Deciding to change your life from a feeling of incompleteness to one of fulfillment is the most important step in deciding to invest in yourself.
If once you’ve completed your list you find there are tasks that you shouldn’t be spending so much time on that could be delegated, schedule a Discovery Call with us to find out how we can help! (And don’t worry, our call won’t be a sales pitch… We love finding more about entrepreneurs’ businesses and sharing how our team can help you achieve more in less time. The best working relationships are beneficial to both.)
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc. 2013
image courtesy of Melody Campbell
There’s so much you can accomplish with the support of a virtual team! Are you getting the most out of your work day? Here’s how technology can help…
How many of these time wasters have you fallen prey to?
We all want to get the most out of each day. This infographic explains how to schedule your day according to your circadian rhythms to be the most productive you can be.
Running a business can be stressful. Here are some helpful reminders on how to minimize stress and maximize success.
1. Avoid stressful scenarios.
Knowing your limit of responsibility is key when saying no to someone. If you’re already over burdened with tasks, taking on more than you can handle will increase your stress level infinitely. Limit your time spent around people you know cause you to feel stressed, and diminish exposure to places you feel most stressed. People won’t call you a hermit during a busy work period if you remain in your office to complete your tasks.
2. Alter stressful things.
By altering the way you react to commonly stressful scenarios or people, you’ll be able to handle them better. This can be done by prioritizing your time (time management skills are key!) and being proactive about people or things that cause you stress. This means plan ahead if you know you’ll be dealing with a stressful person or place in the future, so they won’t get the better of you.
3. Adapt to the stress.
Everyone learns that life is not perfect. This includes business and families, so why stress over these things when you know they will always have a few kinks? Instead, be reasonable about the stressful situations you’re dealing with and battle them one at a time.
4. Accept your stress.
Stress, as annoying as it is, is totally normal. Being stressed also causes you to find and use resources you haven’t before, and find characteristics (like leadership and perseverance) that you may not have even known you had. Always monitor how anxious or stressed you feel. Once it begins to be too much, start looking back at steps 1, 2, and 3 on how to deal with it!
5. Bonus! Additional assistance for stress (hey, that’s two!)
If you’re feeling like your stress is a literal mountain of rock crushing you, do not crumble! There will always be assistance there to help you. One of the best options is hiring a specialized virtual team, trained to assist in whatever area you need the most stress relief. A little help can mean a world of difference.
© Zoe Begopolous, DemGen Inc. 2013
Time and again we hear the same story from small business owners – they are stuck in a rut, juggling too many things at once and unable to organize the various parts of their lives.
When you look closer, everything seems to be right on track. Their businesses are doing well, their finances are in good shape, they have enough time to just relax and enjoy their families and activities. Yet they still feel they are staying in place, going through the motions each day.
Act: Commit to action.
A commitment to action means you stop procrastinating. You stop putting off the hard decisions, the work that you really don’t like to do and the steps that are keeping you from moving forward. Try being stubborn with your business. Refuse to let the little things stop you in your tracks or slow you down. Get help with the jobs you don’t like to do, hire a remote team and let them help you get organized. Don’t quit until you’re finished.
Recognize your self-defeating behaviours.
Self-defeating behaviours are those that keep you from doing what you know needs to be done. Ignoring your to-do list, letting less important things or those people who just want to chat interrupt your work, purposely finding something else to do so you can tell yourself you really didn’t have time to get to that item today. We all have behaviours we indulge in when we would prefer not to do something. Once again, don’t let yourself be distracted and hire help for the rest!
Realize that it really is that simple.
Deciding you’re going to do something is as simple as finding the initiative to really want to reach your goal. Not so easy? That’s true, but at some point you will realize that the way you are doing things now is actually taking more energy than tackling the things that have to be done. Finding the discipline to start an initial effort can seem exhausting especially if we are used to receiving things immediately without waiting for a return on our time and energy. Focusing on our goal can help but for most of us an attitude adjustment is in order. Our goal can be reached by taking a series of small steps and it really is that simple.
Getting out of a rut, changing ourselves and as a result, our business, can give us more energy by reviving our interest in what we are doing and shaking us out of the same old boring path. Do it one step at a time, choose your optimal plans, gather all of your necessary resources and don’t make it harder than it has to be.
We are all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work. ~ Paul Rudd in How do you Know
© Chris Draper, DemGen Inc 2013
As your small business begins to grow, you may become faced with a challenge: traveling. As an avid traveler myself, both for business and pleasure, and an obsessive reader of tips/tricks, I’ve been able to accumulate a good bank of suggestions on the best and cheapest ways to travel.
If you’re new to the world of traveling, or just looking for a better way to do it on a budget, check out these suggestions.
1. List the items you plan to bring, then cut it in half.
This is where you will (slowly) learn to battle over packing. Versatility is key, so pack clothing items that can be used for night and day (like button-up shirts.) Making a list of items you think you need is a good place to start, then eliminate the things you can definitely live without. Take two pairs of shoes, one for any business meetings, and another comfy pair for walking around. A handy little tip for shoes is filling them with small items like toiletries and socks so it eliminates empty air space in your suitcase.
2. Plan for additional items and pack an extra fold up bag.
Once you’ve eliminated the items you can live without, don’t use that space! You might pick up something on your travels that you didn’t expect. Having an additional bag is handy for separating dirty laundry, lying on the ground to sit, or even wrapping breakable items.
3. Keep calm and carry on (literally.)
If your trip is only 2-3 days, it’s completely doable to pack everything you need into a carry on (specifically a backpack). These days, carry on baggage can be quite large, so always double check sizes with the company you’re traveling with. Using a carry on eliminates the wait for checked baggage, the small chance of lost baggage, and gives you access to everything you brought.
4. Take advantage of Wi-Fi.
If Smartphone’s are a businessperson’s best friend, then Wi-Fi becomes your loyal sidekick. The app Wi-Fi Finder locates the nearest free and paid Wi-Fi areas in over 650,000 locations, so you can check and send emails, research something, and post online virtually anywhere. (Side note: This is going to be even easier in San Francisco soon, thanks to Google’s recent $600K investment into making San Francisco parks Wi-Fi friendly.)
5. Call your bank, credit card company, and cell phone provider beforehand.
It’s really important to give these company’s a heads up when you’re heading out of the country. Your bank and credit cards providers should know so they don’t accidently cut your funds half way through your trip if their fraud departments detect a random transaction. Your cell phone company can also suggest plans and add-ons that could help you stay connected while you’re traveling.
6. Take advantage of online check-ins.
This is something I recently discovered. Online check-ins allow you to print your boarding pass before even getting to the airport. This is especially handy when you have no checked bags, because you can head directly to your gate.
Last but not least, do not procrastinate bookings. It’s pretty rare nowadays that airlines, buses and train prices decrease the closer to the date, so you have a better chance of snagging a good deal if you do it well in advance. Now, good luck and happy travels!
© Zoe Begopoulos, DemGen Inc 2013
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