From the Cold Call Queen
Every small business owner and entrepreneur will usually start out making calls to those unknown heads of the companies they would like to deal with: enter, the dreaded cold call.
How to handle them?
Use your personality to your advantage.
Don’t be so intent on getting your message across that you sound like a machine on the phone. Have a conversation with your customer, don’t talk “at” them. Enjoy your time by interacting and letting the real you show through. The way you speak is important, don’t read from a script. Having a general list available of the important points you’d like to make is a good idea, but switch them around, don’t get too stuck on one way of pitching your sale .
Don’t be afraid of mistakes.
Remember, you are speaking with someone, not to them. Having a sense of humour helps and your client will appreciate the fact that you come across as human, not automated. It also helps you to be memorable!
Don’t fear the call.
Have respect for the gatekeeper.
Yes, it’s an outdated concept so don’t think of who you are speaking with as a gatekeeper, think of them as a person who has a job to do and always remember your manners. They do have a certain amount of power and you will get more appointments if you create a relationship with them first.
Use voicemail the way it was meant to be used.
Before you leave a message on someone’s voicemail, remember that your tone of voice will be the first thing they notice. Sound friendly, approachable and don’t speak in a monotone or too quickly. Make your message interesting and intriguing. If at all possible add some humour.
Your computer is your friend.
Use it as a tracking system to schedule new calls and keep a record of those already made. List call-backs, appointments and manage notes and information so you can build and maintain a relationship with your customers – not to mention staying on top of your goals!
image by zigazou76
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