“The best way to predict the future is to create it” ~ Abe Lincoln

This quote seems to me to be one of the reasons entrepreneurs exist. I personally prefer to be in charge of my change, destiny and/or future. While at a higher level it may seem an illusion that I can be in charge of my future, I can play it out this way at the gross level – it’s my role as an entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur who has grown or assisted in the growth of more than 20 companies – I ask myself this question in my current business, “How am I predicting and creating my positive future”?

1. I realize that I have predicted a lot of our growth and it’s stated in a plan or our GPS – we review and update at a minimum quarterly and we expect surprises.

2. I had the insight to attract a great team of fellow entrepreneurs to join in and assist with that growth.

3. We consistently let people know what we do and how we can help them predict and create their positive business future. In other words we are at their service.

4. If there appears to be a stall, deterrent, roadblock or un-alignment with services/relationships within or outside our direct influence – we change it.

I put this out as a challenge to all entrepreneurs reading this post. Ask yourself this profoundly simple question: “How am I predicting and creating my positive business future”? And if you dare -  leave it open to your whole life, not just business.

~Gary Evans


image by Xanetia on Flickr