You’ve perfected your message and found your niche, but you aren’t getting the results you anticipated…  What next?!














These key solutions will help you to achieve your goals.


Your customers tell you they can’t justify the purchase.

Are you targeting your ideal clients?  You can cast a wide net, but may not be reaching the right leads in doing so. Make sure the products and services you provide are essential ones. Your customers will then see the value that you are offering.

You lack confidence.

You have information that others can benefit from. To get your customers attention, make sure that your message is straight forward and understandable. Show your clients how you can help them achieve their goals. Your perspective is unique. Share your experience with others to help them.

Your referrals are few and far between.

Give your customers an incentive. Offer them a free download or discovery call. Make sure they know what you and your company are all about. If you truly believe in yourself and your work, others will too!

Your marketing and social media efforts are not showing results.

Social media is an excellent tool for business. Be original and let others get to know you through the information that your messages provide. Target those who need you the most and want what you’re selling. Be active. Though traditional marketing still has its strong points, you now need a mix of both traditional and social marketing to make sure you reach all potential clients who will be interested in what you have to offer.

You’re not seeing a ROI for your efforts.

Don’t spend all of your time working in your business instead of on it. Specialize and become an expert on one thing. Outsource the rest. DemGen has worked with many coaches, authors and speakers.  The business problems they face are common and we can help.

There is too much information available.

This is a common problem among entrepreneurs and small business owners. With the wealth of info available on the internet, focusing on what is important to your niche will give you the most benefit. Remember – even though you are the expert, experts don’t know everything! Concentrate on what you know. The more refined your vision is, the easier it will be for your market to understand.

Your income level isn’t what you would like it to be.

Do you charge enough for your services?  Expert coaches, author and speakers can charge higher rates for their services. You have put in a lot of time and hard work to become an expert in your field.  People in your target market will be more than willing to pay for your knowledge. Focus on targeting a specific group with your message and you’ll have no problem receiving a higher rate.

Results don’t come immediately. Ensure that your leads and clients are loyal.

Continuously test and measure your results.  Create relationships and leverage the trust you build!

The bottom line is that you are an expert in your field.  Your experiences with life and learning have led you to where you are today and you want to share your knowledge for a reason.

Believe in yourself and your message!

Chris Draper

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