Gary Evans“I shut my eyes in order to see” ~ Paul Gauguin

I’ve always viewed business in an artistic way, and have grown to appreciate the more pragmatic blending or complementing of business strategic thinking. From an artistic perspective, I see business like jazz, with many players adding layers to the equation, which easily translates over to painting or any other artist endeavour.  Like art, business takes time to mature and evolve to a level where a mass audience “get’s it”.

There is a lot of information out there stating that an entrepreneur is primarily a visionary.  You’ve got to be able to see “it”, and then build, layer, jam, hack towards it.  I remember when I first learned to meditate.  I was in my mid 20’s and felt I was already a pretty creative person, yet the floodgates of possibilities opened up.  One of my business adventures at that point involved my teaching accelerated learning skills, and I incorporated meditation/visualization into the mix.  I remember helping one person going through the exercises for the first half of the morning and not really getting it.  I invited her to reach out with eyes closed and trace the #1, it was in red satin, and then a marble embedded #2, and then…a heavy grit sandpaper #3.  I was just making this up on the spot hoping it would lead somewhere, and then a broad smile came across her face and she got it.

At DemGen we get the same experience working with clients to refine a revenue stream or creating a new system in their business to ensure things run smooth.  Helping people “get it”, to be able to see their ideal future vision of their business of what it can be right now and into the deep future is a very important starting point.  And, I feel it’s an essential ongoing strategy for your business and personal life.  You don’t have to be a famous or soon to be famous artist, coach, author, entrepreneur to benefit from “I shut my eyes in order to see” ~ Paul Gauguin.  What this does is momentarily stop the influx of other data/stimuli and allow you to access your higher powers of insight, to breathe and refresh.

Go ahead and shut your eyes, see the truth of possibilities right before you.


© Gary Evans, DemGen Inc. 2013