Over the past few weeks we’ve been sharing insights into how you can maintain a healthy lifestyle as a busy entrepreneur or business owner.

Eating right and managing your time are a great start, but staying active is also key.

We’re often at our desks for hours on end.  There are simple ways to stay active with a busy schedule.

Stand up desks

Stand up desks are gaining popularity.  If you’re using a laptop, you can simply move it to higher ground.  The simple act of standing instead of sitting will keep your blood flowing.


Get up and stretch regularly!  It will immediately help you feel refreshed and revitalized.  Certain yoga and tai chi exercises can even be done right at your desk.


It’s easy to fall into the habit of slouching while working.  To avoid ending up looking like Mr. Burns, it’s important to remember your posture and sit up straight.


Consider taking a walk during your next break.  It will both keep you active and likely provide new inspiration.