Why do customers buy? What factors lead to their decision to buy your product?

Many of your customers buy for personal reasons, a psychological behaviour which is greatly influenced by outside stimuli, mainly the media. While these purchases may be for basic needs, others are wants and those wants can be based on how your customers see themselves or would like others to see them.

If someone is thinking about purchasing an item they will obviously pay more attention to advertising for that particular thing. Your role as the seller is to create ads that will get people thinking and focusing on your product. They may not need it now but when the time comes for their purchase you want your name and brand to be the one that comes to mind before any others.


Many marketer’s ads touch on emotion, thus leaving a good feeling about their brand with prospective purchasers. Positive emotions are a compelling reason for many customers to repeatedly purchase the same brand of product. By bolstering the confidence and self-identity of your customers, you are able to grow your business.

Understanding buyer behaviour comes down to knowing what benefits your customers are looking for, how you can provide those benefits and why your product or service is the best choice. Make it easy for your customers to learn about your product and by showing proof of your product’s value, help them to feel that what you are selling is needed, not just wanted.


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image uploaded to Flickr by Alan Light